Sick (Fit) Notes, Letters and Fees
Learn about absence from work certification and our non-NHS services.
Whether you are unable to work, planning a holiday or applying for a life insurance policy, we provide a range of NHS and non-NHS services.
Sick (Fit) Notes
If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days
To request a sick note:
- fill out a sick note request form via the NHS App or AccuRx
- phone or visit the surgery from 10am to 6pm
If you’ve been off sick for 7 days or less
If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. We call this self-certification.
Download a Self Certification form from the HMRC website.
Find out more about sick notes on the NHS website.
Are you registered with us?
We can only issue doctor’s certificates to patients who are registered with our surgery. Other patients will need to visit their own GP to get a doctor’s certificate.

Private Fees
Most of the services that we provide are free of charge because they are funded by the NHS.
There are some services that the NHS does not fund and so we have to charge fees for these.
Some examples of the chargeable work are:
Before any private work is done, confirmation of any charges will be given to the patient or company so verbal consent can be obtained prior to the work carried out or vaccination given.
We accept payment in cash only.